
ԭ䫵 ʴԴ

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Ǣ ѹŧС ѹͺش ͺ
з黡person can reduce their individual carbon footprint by (#dΡHº] jྊW) 2022-12-162022-12-1613130
з黡Nucicer is able to produce more protein per acre (iqجo!.-JlɈՠUnKM<) 2022-12-162022-12-1613440
з黡When it comes to reducing our individual (When it comes to reducing our ) 2022-12-162022-12-1613240
з黡˹ѧ˹ҷǹͻҹ¹ͧ͡ҧѺǴ () 2022-12-162022-12-1613050
з黡Թ¹ͺҤ (7556) 2022-12-162022-12-1612820
з黡᡹ǹ秷͡˹ͼ ҾѴҧͧ᡹Ҩ͡⫹» (4454545) 2022-12-162022-12-1613280
з黡Ѻҧ úӺѴ仹Ҩջª ҨзҧѺ (66696) 2022-12-162022-12-1613130
з黡ա§Դͤ ͼ˹ѧͧس (245747) 2022-12-162022-12-1613270
з黡ҹҧ (36666) 2022-12-162022-12-1613660
з黡ੴաСѺⷹռǷᵡҧѹ (255585) 2022-12-162022-12-1613270
з黡ʶҹóкҴ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513370
з黡 consultants were drafted in to help (consultants were drafted in to) 2022-12-152022-12-1513660
з黡government engage with us and (government engage with us and) 2022-12-152022-12-1513650
з黡third officer was shot and injured (third officer was shot and inj) 2022-12-152022-12-1513550
з黡ҾСͺС͡Ẻ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513220
з黡 would be further cemented with (would be further cemented with) 2022-12-152022-12-1513770
з黡Nurses in Wales have just started (Nurses in Wales have just star) 2022-12-152022-12-1513730
з黡þٴ¶֧ᵡҧ鹹ʹ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513820
з黡 Ѻ椹 ⷹ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513820
з黡London have been explaining why (London have been explaining wh) 2022-12-152022-12-1513120
з黡ѧº¹ҧἹԴѧ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513170
з黡˭ԧ׹ ǡöժԵբ÷ѺûѺا (⹺Ե) 2022-12-152022-12-1513090
з黡 ա˹ ٴҤ֧㹧ҹͧس () 2022-12-152022-12-1513670
з黡Ѱѹᴴ oxybenzone () 2022-12-152022-12-1513750
з黡 ͧҡҡ͹ѡФ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513470
з黡ѡԨ¡ҡôԡ駨ҡͻͧѹԡԴعç (⹺Ե) 2022-12-152022-12-1513510
з黡partly due to the bleakly beautiful countryside it passes (fH,*F}y9O2D) 2022-12-152022-12-1514280
з黡ѵҵͧصš 2022 Դͪԧ˹ਹԹ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513140
з黡繻ȿصŪ鹹Ӣͧš () 2022-12-152022-12-1513200
з黡͡ͺе٢ͧͺͧȡѺѹظ () 2022-12-152022-12-1513460

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з黡  з黡
зʹ  зʹ
зѡش  зѡش
зԴʵ  зԴʵ
зʹ㨷Դʵ  зʹ㨷Դʵ
зѡشԴʵ  зѡشԴʵ