
ԭ䫵 ʴԴ

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Ǣ ѹŧС ѹͺش ͺ
з黡covering far less ground than you could by car (covering far less ground than ) 2022-12-032022-12-0317150
з黡 ͡ѧСѺзҹ÷յآҾҧöسѡҹ˹ѡ (prayut) 2022-12-032022-12-0316990
з黡Ronca said that in the past five to eight years (Ronca said that in the past fi) 2022-12-032022-12-0317530
з黡shells sank to the seabed and helped form the chalk (Mu^3nvLpE.|Q) 2022-12-032022-12-0317830
з黡people pedal through this unique landscape (people pedal through this uniq) 2022-12-032022-12-0318160
з黡ͧ繤ҧä駡âӻе () 2022-12-032022-12-0316890
з黡 äǹй˹ѡԹ繻ѭآҾš (prayut) 2022-12-032022-12-0316800
з黡ͧ˹ૹū觶١¡ (꡺) 2022-12-032022-12-0317080
з黡ҫŨ訴ͺ觡Ѵش (ʡ) 2022-12-032022-12-0316770
з黡 ë ¹ӵء·»е (ſ) 2022-12-032022-12-0316960
з黡 ë ¹ӵء·»е (ſ) 2022-12-032022-12-0317140
з黡Cycling The Bog Road through Roundstone (Cycling The Bog Road through R) 2022-12-032022-12-0318420
з黡÷ҧ 1 ҧѺѡ (prayut) 2022-12-032022-12-0317020
з黡Natural ÷Եҡǹҡҵ (prayut) 2022-12-032022-12-0317490
з黡ӤѭѺҹäӢͧس¸ѭתѴõչҡתмѡӹǹҡ (prayut) 2022-12-032022-12-0317400
з黡 New York man filed a lawsuit against (New York man filed a lawsuit a) 2022-12-022022-12-0218440
з黡 says she has been arrested for (says she has been arrested for) 2022-12-022022-12-0217590
з黡second goal after the Video (second goal after the Video) 2022-12-022022-12-0217850
з黡 after the speaker raises concerns (after the speaker raises conce) 2022-12-022022-12-0218260
з黡something we have wanted to say (something we have wanted to sa) 2022-12-022022-12-0217810
з黡 öѺ˹ҷкдԹõҧ (prayut) 2022-12-022022-12-0217570
з黡 öѺ˹ҷкдԹõҧ (prayut) 2022-12-022022-12-0216910
з黡Mitosis 繡кǹþ鹰ҹѺԵ (prayut) 2022-12-022022-12-0217300
з黡not just so that we can ascertain the dangers (not just so that we can ascert) 2022-12-022022-12-0218130
з黡How well Pals can distinguish a submarine from (How well Pals can distinguish ) 2022-12-022022-12-0218710
з黡Whale skeletons stand guard around the coastline (P""jr5Ss l h2022-12-022022-12-0217110
з黡An animal can meet a criterion with a high (An animal can meet a criterion) 2022-12-022022-12-0218340
з黡ըӹǹٻҧᵡҧѹժԵ (prayut) 2022-12-022022-12-0218000
з黡Cleaning up plastic waste directly from the NPG (Cleaning up plastic waste dire) 2022-12-022022-12-0218410
з黡ͤʵԡҹ˹㹡 4-2 () 2022-12-022022-12-0217110

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з黡  з黡
зʹ  зʹ
зѡش  зѡش
зԴʵ  зԴʵ
зʹ㨷Դʵ  зʹ㨷Դʵ
зѡشԴʵ  зѡشԴʵ